Our sustainability strategy
Our ESG goals are aligned to our Group strategic objectives, underpinning our Purpose, and embedded throughout our decision making and performance measurement.
Put our (carbon) foot down
We'll aim to reduce the negative impacts of our operations, suppliers and partners on society and the environment.
Build a brighter future
We aim to deliver innovative products and services that help our customers make a positive impact on society and the environment.
Open doors
Working with customers, colleagues and communities we’ll encourage sustainable practices and economic activity that aims to create shared prosperity.
Straight-up ESG
Align our strategic goals to ESG and embed them across the business wherever possible with targets, tracking and disclosures.
Our approach to sustainability
As a Purpose-led business dedicated to Making you happier about money, we focus on where we can make the biggest difference to the environment and society.
As one of the UK’s largest banks, we have an important role to play in facilitating the country’s transition to a low-carbon economy, while leveraging the opportunities and managing the risks the Group is exposed to from climate change. We have aligned our business strategy to be consistent with and contribute to individuals' needs and society's goals, as expressed in the Sustainable Development Goals. We are committed to working with our stakeholders to realise the ambitions of the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as other initiatives which support society’s low-carbon transition and help the world reach net zero.
In line with our Net Zero Banking Alliance commitment, the Group has set initial transition plans taking into account the draft Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) framework and guidance from the UK CCC. We’ve disclosed targets and roadmaps covering our operational emissions and c.85% of the Group’s lending portfolio, and we’ve outlined our approach to supporting our highest emitting customers to develop their own transition plans.
Through regular interaction with our stakeholders and with the support of many great partnerships, we’re able to continually refresh our understanding of the issues which are of greatest importance in society and develop tools and products which educate and inform both our own and our customers’ transition to a just and sustainable low carbon economy.
In true ‘Straight-up ESG’ style, our ESG resource hub provides easy to access information on our strategy, policies and statements.